more sections coming...

October 12, 2001

don't foget! our garage sale is tomorrow. come meet internet darlings, zine queens, film moguls, and bunches of other kooky individuals. buy lots of stuff so, in turn, we can buy lots of beer. thank you fer yer support.

posted by Fender Bender at 3:55 PM

note the spiffy new lomos! i took them this morning while waiting for the bus (and a couple while i was on it). already though, there are problems with the gears eating the film, and in some rolls only half the frames (or less) come out. i would refer to the manual, but as nancy said last night, "that's definitely in russian..." lan! help me out over here!

posted by Fender Bender at 3:24 PM

okay. minnie driver. what the hell? what happened? how'd she get SO SKINNY? ditto for joan cusack. i'm willing to believe it's the result of rigorous sessions with personal trainers, replete with macrobiotic salads and soy dogs, but more likely it's vicodin.

half our lomo goodness rests in my grubby little paws! it's's's so anticlimactic. tends to be like this with eBay. it's the waiting. waiting's not my thing. so i'm sitting here, lomo to my right, loaded with film, and in this post-package-opening depression because it's another seven hours till i can squeeze off some pics. beware of chinese boys with cameras...

posted by Fender Bender at 12:40 AM

October 10, 2001

it's official. lan, scott, bernice and others are rocking a kick ass garage sale. come and buy our stuff! i suppose it's un-smart to give out actual addresses when this site's public, but what are the odds that crazies will appear?

okay, knocking on wood...

posted by Fender Bender at 8:17 PM

oo! comments system's up thanks to Snorland and an ultra-helpful reader whose name i can't remember right now (it's in my computer at home along with your site which i'll link ASAP. sorry!). so thanks! hopefully i'll post stuff worth commenting on.

posted by Fender Bender at 1:15 AM

roy who?so i log on, hoping to be some cool robot like R2D2 or Gigantor or R.O.B., but instead i'm "roy batty." what the...? who the hell is roy batty? and then i come across this. i've never seen Blade Runner, but i've heard it has robotic prostitutes. RAD.

posted by Fender Bender at 12:23 AM

October 9, 2001

concerning air strikes against afghanistan, the news quotes millitary officials as saying, "they're not perfect, but close to it." translation: our carpet bombs and cruise missiles, while seeking to maim, burn, and kill taliban members without due process (one of the backbones of the democratic process we're claiming to protect and preserve) have failed to find said terrorist suspects. and unfortunately, some innocent afghan nationals died because they happened to be in the bomb's proximity, probably sleeping, or maybe eating dinner at the time. this sucks, yes, but eventually we'll get it right. we haven't had much success over the last ten years, but we're due.

it's all bullshit.

posted by Fender Bender at 10:00 PM

October 8, 2001

okay, let's try this again. blogger ate my last post so i approach with caution.

uninspired captions adorn the lastest batch of pics. someone asked where rolls #1, 3, 6, and 7 are. the short story is they're all on black and white film and i only have negatives at this point. film scanner, anyone? i don't make prints. it seems silly to pay $10 when most of my pictures are crap. so i get my film put on CD, except for the black and white ones which my teacher develops for us. so soon...when i can make sense of negatives. i still can't picture what they look like as a positive print. i'm not in the zone yet.

in other photographic news, the aforementioned Dirty Dishes collection was summarily ruined on account i'm stupid. usually i use aperture priority, but somehow i flipped the switch to manual and the shutter clicked way too fast. the result: tons of dark, muddy pictures. of course, i didn't realize it till i unloaded my film and was like, "uh oh." freaking sausage fingers of mine...

onto consulting. sounds good, right? $35 an hour to sit around and not do much. well, it depends. my replacement at my old job got fired, so i'm coming in as a "consultant." the work is minimal, but i'm at the mercy of a highly disorganized office -- meetings are routinely cancelled, people often don't show up or are hours late, and i'm doing odd jobs i wasn't slated to do. but hey, it's their dime. i'm not complaining other than i could (should) be doing other things while i wait around for things to get rolling. the bright side is i spend most of the time surfing the web and blogging. can you say sweet? you damn right.

posted by Fender Bender at 7:41 PM

okay then. captions up. they're slightly uninspired, but i was under the gun. i also misspelled names. oh well. enjoy anyway.

posted by Fender Bender at 6:47 PM

before i go to lunch, some new pics. be forewarned: they're big, have no thumbnails, and no captions. i'll do all that when i get back.

did i mention i loooove consulting?

posted by Fender Bender at 12:17 PM

this post dedicated to nancy. i'll be your sous-chef anytime.

my photography class assignment is to capture emotion. instead of squeezing pics of people in various states of laughter and whatnot, i ended up photographing dirty dishes and broiler pans from tonight's dinner party. half-drunk bottles of wine, scooped-out lemon shells, highball glasses full of mojito remnants (uber-delicious ones by nancy, i might add) -- it seemed all too appropriate. the dirty fork, the plate with streaks running crosswise where drew's bread ran through the saucy bits, it babbles on with the hi's and how are you's of seeing old friends, the nice to meet you's of new ones, laughing at how silly we were, crying at how good we'll all be someday, and my, what is that smell?? garlic? rosemary? no, family. it's me. it's nancy. it's my friends. it's home. it's happiness.

the menu tonight, after much wrangling with Executive Chef Hung: pollo al limone with the aforementioned rosemary, gratin potatoes baked with carmelized onions and young brie (major hit), asparagus dressed in olive oil, fabulous fresh mint mojitos, cappucinno cheesecake c/o wei ming and drew, ammaretto cookies, ice cream, coffee, and ungodly amounts of wine. annie and i agree: americanized folks (white, if you will) bring wine to a dinner. asian folks, on the other hand, bring hard liquor. i'm not saying this rule is steadfast, just something we've noticed.

food is good. where's beck when i need her?

posted by Fender Bender at 1:36 AM

rewind, yo.


white stripes: you're pretty good looking
michael jackson: don't stop till you get enough
nu shooz: i can't wait
helen reddy: i am woman


starck by taschen books
how to read a film by james monaco
strength to be: community visions & voices, edited by caroline c. wang
a connecticut yankee in king arthur's court by mark twain

[film and TV]

boston 24/7


the kill darling collective
brian david stevens
iris photo collective


silly putty!


home steamed mussels
la taqueria carnitas burrito
jamie oliver's fantastic roast chicken (skip the prosciutto. too salty...)


acme brown ale
meridian gewürztraminer sbc 2000 (good with chinese food)
samuel adams summer ale
