more sections coming...

April 26, 2001

My bad.

Happy Birthday, Min Jung!

Just repeating, but have a great party, and if you can get Ernie a little sloppy, all the better.

Nancy is great. I think I'll buy her dinner. And lots of stuff.

posted by Fender Bender at 5:01 PM

In light of school shootings and general overall pandemonium nationwide, my office organized, sponsored, and moderated a youth forum last week on the subject of suburban violence and mayhem. Some highlights:

- Those on the panels are not mad they get picked on. They have come to terms with the fact that, in general, kids are bastards, twits, cocksuckers, etc. What they don't accept is the lack of people willing to listen to their troubles. Getting rid of the bully is second to a friendly ear. Not earth-shattering, but I put it out there.

- If you're a jock, it's a bad time to be in high school.

- If you're pretty, it's a bad time to be in high school.

- If you're popular, it's a bad time to be in high school.

- Those on the panel fantasize about killing jocks, princesses, and B.M.O.C.'s. Then they go to sleep, wake up, and fantasize some more.

- White kids are at a crossroad. The ones on the panel (some of them anyway) felt they had no right to be angry at anything. After all, they said, they were white. They were privileged. They had no grounds for complaint. I admit I've been a proponent of this white-people-can't-bitch-about-shit mantra, but let's be realistic. Anger emanates from many sources, not just class and race.

- Kids who fantasize about whacking the quarterback/prom queen also fantasize about fucking the quarterback/prom queen. In other words, the idea of a loner, asexual, antisocial killer needs to be reevaluated. Klebold and Harris may have spoken to the marginal student, but certainly they didn't speak for them. A fine difference.

- Overall consensus: The only reason we care about high school shootings is because white kids are the ones dying. Not one to get flamed, I'll resist comment on this one

Which brings us to the issue of "character development" in school. The next big thing in education nowadays is programs and classes designed to teach anger management, active listening, racial sensitivity, ad infinitum. Sounds groovy, but eerily reminiscent of the sex-education movement of the late '60s in which parent-child socialization was taken out of the home and into the classroom.

Doesn't it seems logical, though, that a detached society would first mend itself at home, not at school? Classroom curriculums are decided not by teachers or administrators, but by marketing and PR people. After all, textbook publishers have to sell their ideas to the powers that be -- even if it won't do your kids a lick of good.

I think I'm experiencing hormonal flux.

posted by Fender Bender at 4:32 PM

April 25, 2001

Screw secretaries, I declare today Nancy's Halter Day. Lucky me.
posted by Fender Bender at 9:27 AM

rewind, yo.


white stripes: you're pretty good looking
michael jackson: don't stop till you get enough
nu shooz: i can't wait
helen reddy: i am woman


starck by taschen books
how to read a film by james monaco
strength to be: community visions & voices, edited by caroline c. wang
a connecticut yankee in king arthur's court by mark twain

[film and TV]

boston 24/7


the kill darling collective
brian david stevens
iris photo collective


silly putty!


home steamed mussels
la taqueria carnitas burrito
jamie oliver's fantastic roast chicken (skip the prosciutto. too salty...)


acme brown ale
meridian gewürztraminer sbc 2000 (good with chinese food)
samuel adams summer ale
