more sections coming...

February 24, 2001

call me a fame whore. i won't deny it. on occasion i type my name into a seach engine to see what comes up. just for fun, you understand.

well slap my ass and call me charlie when i found this. it's a digital divide article from the Toronto Star with the author, Peter Krivel, interviewing me. the only problem is, i've never talked to the man in my entire life. i've never even heard of the Toronto Star.

let me explain.

my "quotes" mssr. krivel used in his article weren't quotes at all. they're swipes from a god-awful article i wrote for Youth Outlook. he just made it look like he'd interviewed me as i wrote my piece in first person.

so...i'm not exactly upset, i'm just surprised at the lack of journalistic integrity on mssr. krivel's part. and the fact that YO! (whose numerous kids' dilligent work shines through in its pages) didn't get a plug.

writers are crafty. never trust a writer.

posted by Fender Bender at 5:58 PM

February 23, 2001

you know, reading the post below, i was being such a queen. for the record, i'm not depressed, just stressed. mostly at work, but i can feel it dribbling into my personal life which is totally unacceptable. i'd quit before that happens, i really would. but for now i breathe deep and think about where to go for vacation. sweet, sweet, haven't-had-one-since-spring-of-1999 vacation. the mind boggles!
posted by Fender Bender at 12:05 PM

i've been pondering, very much, lan's thoughts on blogging. in particular that there's things the general public sees, things that they don't see, and what i, as the blogger, puts or doesn't put on the table.

in general, i'm happy with what gets posted. just silly stuff, you know? very detatched from the melee of work and life and stress. and it fits me well. i admit, i'm a dreamer. i escape from priorities on a regular basis. i think that wishes come true and somehow, magically, things will work out.

the point of all this is the website (already thin) may fall victim to a hectic, unorganized life. scott hopes you understand. all four of you.

posted by Fender Bender at 11:32 AM

rewind, yo.


white stripes: you're pretty good looking
michael jackson: don't stop till you get enough
nu shooz: i can't wait
helen reddy: i am woman


starck by taschen books
how to read a film by james monaco
strength to be: community visions & voices, edited by caroline c. wang
a connecticut yankee in king arthur's court by mark twain

[film and TV]

boston 24/7


the kill darling collective
brian david stevens
iris photo collective


silly putty!


home steamed mussels
la taqueria carnitas burrito
jamie oliver's fantastic roast chicken (skip the prosciutto. too salty...)


acme brown ale
meridian gewürztraminer sbc 2000 (good with chinese food)
samuel adams summer ale
