more sections coming...

February 3, 2001

WOW! liz rocks! you're such the sweetie...i still owe you that big, rambling, two-page letter, don't i? GOD, i'm SO LAZY. shoot me now.
posted by Fender Bender at 12:44 PM

big things on the horizon for scott, the details of which are a little hush-hush right now, so stay tuned. i can tell you saving LOTS of dough is crucial, so i've made a pact to try and curb spending. that entails eating out a lot less (my absolute favorite thing to blow cash on), phasing out eBay, and investing a little more carefully. hey, it's never too early, right? i mean, i don't want to be like my dad and open my first IRA at 35. things turned out okay, but they might not have. i just want to be sure five, ten, fifteen years down the road, we have the option to do whatever makes us happy. after all, who knows what the future might bring? fun time's over. the clock's ticking.

on a totally unrelated note, i dreamt i saw cut chemist on the streets except he was FAT and HAIRY, but very nice. he shook my hand. i blathered groupie-jive. we were not naked.

posted by Fender Bender at 12:31 PM

February 1, 2001

one word: ebisu.

it was worth missing Survivor, Friends, and World's Scariest Police Videos. it was that good.

posted by Fender Bender at 10:45 PM

oh god, do i sound like this? i am SO going to cool it...

p.s. - just kidding, gerard. sort of.

posted by Fender Bender at 4:53 PM

i find myself blushing a lot more these days, usually at the most inopportune moments. not because i'm embarrassed, per se, but rather it's any time i'm having a strong emotional reaction to something. so much for a poker face, huh? they'll eat me alive on the strip.

this, along with intermittent bouts of insomnia (the truest definition of suckage) have come so suddenly. what does it all mean??

posted by Fender Bender at 4:19 PM

know what twitterpates me to no end? the false compliment. ergo, a compliment that's 1) a complete lie given to you by 2) someone you hate that 3) also hates you for 4) nefarious reasons.

case in point: TV Producer Wench (my old boss) smiles and says in front of everyone, "i like your hair." that's a complete lie as i haven't cut my hair for 7 weeks. now, we obviously hate each other (i was the anarchistic associate producer who never listened to a word she said), so the question is, what does she want? other than to make me look bad for being so antisocial towards her.

i have a problem with taking the high road, and this time i stew in my own stubborness. it's strangely satisfying...

posted by Fender Bender at 2:53 PM

January 30, 2001

rewind to 1984. scott's nine years old. the fourth grade creeps like melting snow. ronald reagan is president. an unknown blonde hits it big with "Borderline." kids breakdance on the corner. mom has an afro.

but then little scott sees this image on the TV. an image he won't soon forget. an image of santa opening a window and climbing in. not to deliver presents, but rather to hack up the husband and wife sleeping sound in their rooms with an ax. the kids come next. blood shimmers and drips on the walls. santa looks into the camera and grins. "have you been a bad boy?" he asks.

fast forward to scott's teens. he's sure he knows what he saw as a kid, yet everyone looks at him as though he's completely off his rocker. girls call him "sick fuck." the jocks wield wedgies. then atomic wedgies. scott's convinced he's gone nuts.

then, 15 years later, vindication. sweet, sweet vindication. my life begins today!

posted by Fender Bender at 9:31 PM

netscape sucks. it messes up the pop culture page something fierce. i won't get into an arguement which is better, netscape or IE, but i'm offically an IE convert and refuse to "that other browser." if i was smart enough, i could create a cross-browser site, but we've already established otherwise. so...switch to IE. your computer will thank you for it, and hopefully AOL will wither and die a horrible, horrible death.

but i'm not bitter.

posted by Fender Bender at 4:48 PM

installment #2 of our API pop culture list (film) is up. peep it here.

i committed a gross party foul by not explaining this list. over the weekend, i led (sort of) this workshop on API pop culture at UC Davis' Asian Pacific Islader Leadership Conference along with Prof. Karen Shimakawa, and i promised the attendees a list of all the materials used and displayed in said workshop. sooo....this list is majorly incomplete, mostly because it only represents what i brought up with me. knowwhutimean? a larger, non-APILC list will follow soon. got any hot tips for scott?

posted by Fender Bender at 3:24 PM

don't tell anyone, but perusing through Optic Nerve #5 on the train, my entire life, my entire existence, was wrapped up in a single, black and white, nine-panel page: the paralyzed writer fearing a sub-par sequel, his beautifully-hip girlfriend whose patience bedevils most everyone, the ever-hovering deadline, and procrastanation-laden whining and griping. basically, me and nancy and the job i call Uncle.

now this is not to say Adrian "gets it." petty jealousy aside, he's, at best, serendipitous, much like how Optic Nerve #6 revealed susan's basic dimensions (save the hummer, natch). can't help but wonder, though, does this make me a hipster?


posted by Fender Bender at 3:13 PM

January 29, 2001

there's no way i don't have PMS.* everything's making me angry : ringing phones, gabbing co-workers, e-mail beeping. my teeth are grinding. they never grind! and i have this overwhelming urge to tell everyone 1) shut the fuck up and 2) get the hell outta here. even writing this fluffy blog stresses me out. what the fuck? i'm going completely loco.

i did, however, complete installment one of API pop culture listings. a small start, but a start nonetheless. bon appetit!

*okay, PMS is stretching it. i don't mean to mock it any more than it's already been. suffice to say i'm feeling stressed. let's leave it at that.

posted by Fender Bender at 5:13 PM

very very quickly as i catch up on three days of work: those looking for the API pop culture resource list should go here. by the end of the day, hopefully, i'll publish the first list of names, addresses, blah blah blah.

everyone else, pay no attention to this boy smoking crack. instead, let's all lament the passing of Debb. never have i seen such an avalanche of votes against one person. what do they have against layered hair? (parted in the middle!)

posted by Fender Bender at 11:37 AM

rewind, yo.


white stripes: you're pretty good looking
michael jackson: don't stop till you get enough
nu shooz: i can't wait
helen reddy: i am woman


starck by taschen books
how to read a film by james monaco
strength to be: community visions & voices, edited by caroline c. wang
a connecticut yankee in king arthur's court by mark twain

[film and TV]

boston 24/7


the kill darling collective
brian david stevens
iris photo collective


silly putty!


home steamed mussels
la taqueria carnitas burrito
jamie oliver's fantastic roast chicken (skip the prosciutto. too salty...)


acme brown ale
meridian gewürztraminer sbc 2000 (good with chinese food)
samuel adams summer ale
