more sections coming...

January 27, 2001

oo! almost forgot...if anyone at all out there could possibly tape Survivor 2's first episode for me, i would be SO grateful. we could negotiate "payment" when i got back (insert bow-chicka-wow-wow music here).
posted by Fender Bender at 8:01 AM

bad omen #1: the intricate and detailed map to bodega bay lays on my desk. at WORK. fuck! may i say this place has no actual address. it's just a lab somewhere out in the boonies covered by trees and seashells. what to do, what to do?

kick ass comeback #1: thank GOD. i found a map on the internet. woo hoo! once again, scott challenges death and knocks his old ass out. click!

posted by Fender Bender at 7:56 AM

January 26, 2001

massive insomnia! the house must think i push crank with my tossing and turning and rocking out at three a.m....for chrissakes, i even watched a DVD! i'm a sad, sad boy who's gonna be even sadder tomorrow morning when that 6 a.m. alarm goes off. hello snooze bar, you're my new best friend.
posted by Fender Bender at 3:19 AM

*gasp* scott figured it out! whaddaya know...he's not dumb as bricks after all...
posted by Fender Bender at 12:19 AM

January 25, 2001

still in a frenzy, but now tipsy on illegal cuban rum and anime porn (NOT, i might add, rented by moi). and grrr.... blogger refuses to implement itself in the template i've given it...stupid machine...
posted by Fender Bender at 10:33 PM

i'm in a frenzy. did anyone out there tape last night's Temptation Island?? i must see it! help! not only will you get my eternal gratitude, i will treat you to Park Chow's famous Warm Ginger Cake with Pumpkin Ice Cream. can you refuse this offer? i think not.
posted by Fender Bender at 10:18 PM

virgin megastore is a JOKE. are you telling me you don't know how to ring up $30 worth of books accurately and in less than TWENTY MINUTES?? that's how long we waited for this guy to figure out his little boop-bee-doop register before we gave up and walked out, books still on the counter. so CLUELESS. i blame cashier boy, but not as much as manager boy who just stood there with his little clipboard making like he was too important to ring us up. hello! we're trying to give you money! scott's laid back usually (hey, i know their job sucks) but not this time. this virgin crew was the L.A. Clippers of retail. i was really disappointed, because up until that very moment, i was having the best day with nancy. i was SO beaming.

alas, nancy and i put it behind us. she's the best. really, she is. tonight we start preparing for our weekend in bodga bay where i'll be hosting an API pop culture discussion with UC Davis students. i'm quivering, feeling unprepared. this recurring nightmare tells me they're expecting some completely academic, theory-based propaganda about hegemonies and diasporas and blah blah blah. but i know better. they're on this retreat to hook up. like hook UP hook up. knowwhutimean? put 200 horny kids in a beachfront room and there be some knockin' straight up...i ain't tawkin' doors, here. scott will give you a full update as they become available. pictures if possible.

thanks also to jean whose site flika will be part of the program. see it and know why it's worth discussing. wanna know who else is on tap? check out the linkage on this very page...

lastly, this is my first entry using blogger. if it works, it's because of michelle and ernie. if it fails, i blame my own stupidity, thus plunging my IQ to -3.

scott signing off. i'll fix the cosmetics later.

posted by Fender Bender at 9:06 PM

rewind, yo.


white stripes: you're pretty good looking
michael jackson: don't stop till you get enough
nu shooz: i can't wait
helen reddy: i am woman


starck by taschen books
how to read a film by james monaco
strength to be: community visions & voices, edited by caroline c. wang
a connecticut yankee in king arthur's court by mark twain

[film and TV]

boston 24/7


the kill darling collective
brian david stevens
iris photo collective


silly putty!


home steamed mussels
la taqueria carnitas burrito
jamie oliver's fantastic roast chicken (skip the prosciutto. too salty...)


acme brown ale
meridian gewürztraminer sbc 2000 (good with chinese food)
samuel adams summer ale
